Technology Integration in Education

Over 8,945 teachers and students have received comprehensive technical and pedagogical training on integrating technology and education.

During the coronavirus pandemic we witnessed first-hand how education grinds to a halt when Indonesia is faced with natural or man-made disasters. In response, the Emmanuel Foundation created the Technology Integration in Education Programme (TIEP) in 2020 to mitigate the negative impact of such events while improving the long-term resiliency of educational systems in the country.

The TIEP holistically addresses the challenges of remote and digital learning by effectively integrating technology into pedagogical practice. The five main obstacles to quality remote or home learning are: (1) lack of adequate hardware (mobile tablets),  (2) lack of internet connectivity, (3) lack of free and appropriate educational software, (4) lack of technical training for principals and teachers in using hardware and software, and (5) lack of pedagogical training on integrating inquiry based learning with technology. The TIEP works with teachers and students to overcome each of these obstacles by providing appropriate hardware, software, and training to enable truly effective remote education.

To date we have delivered 958 tablets properly managed by mobile device management systems and educational software to Innovative Schools and EduNation Outreach Programme partner schools. We have connected over 900 students and teachers to free and stable internet, while over 8,495 teachers and students have received in-depth technical and pedagogical training on integrating technology and education.

YE ISP TIEP official handover ceremony to DKI Jakarta department of education
YE ISP TIEP handover of tablets to a primary school in DKI Jakartaq
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The Innovative Schools Programme is a part of the Emmanuel Foundation.

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