Since its launch in December 2009 and the first ISP workshops in 2010, the programme has certified over 1,400 teachers and principals in 209 schools through 330 workshops and over 2,650 hours of training. These teachers and principals in turn positively impact over 91,292 students each academic year.
Upon successful completion of the year-long programme, each ISP participant receives a certificate from the Department of Education of DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Education Agency) and Yayasan Emmanuel during a graduation ceremony.
In addition to celebrating this achievement together during the event, each ISP certificate awards credits that work toward improving participants’ careers and potentially increasing their renumeration.
ISP Reunions
The Innovative Schools Programme hosted its first alumni reunion in 2019 at Jakarta Intercultural School. The event brought together 212 alumni and network schools for a day of learning through 19 workshops.
In 2024, Mentari Intercultural School hosted the second ISP reunion, bringing together 285 alumni from 94 schools to participate in 24 workshops aimed at supporting teachers and principals across Indonesia.