ISP Reunion 2019 Using Resources

ISP Resources

Since its launching in 2009, the Innovative Schools Programme has shared our experience, knowledge and resources in an open and transparent manner. The driving force behind this openness is our abiding desire to see schools throughout Indonesia achieve an order of magnitude improvement in the way classes are taught. Our long-term goal is to make the improvements that we have been able to achieve with the hundreds of partner schools easily available to the millions of teachers throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

ISP Videos

In addition to hundreds of direct in-person training workshops, the ISP is seeking to further support teachers, principals and schools with short-form YouTube videos that provide teaching ideas along with “tips and tricks”. A few ISP videos are featured below:

Fix Mindset

Pola Berpikir

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Teori Taksonomi Bloom

Classroom Essential Agreements

Kesepakatan Kelas

Techniques to Facilitate Reading Summaries

Teknik mempermudah mengambil Kesimpulan dari Bacaan

Characteristics of a Good Principal

Ciri-ciri Pribadi Kepala Sekolah yang Baik

Tips on Teaching a Child with Special Needs

Mengajar Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

ISP Articles

The ISP is currently developing written resources to highlight how teachers and principals are implementing ISP in their classrooms and at their schools. We will be publishing articles and posting online links to share real world examples of the ISP’s work and how ISP graduates can better support their fellow teachers and principals.

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The Innovative Schools Programme is a part of the Emmanuel Foundation.

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